If you are a recruiter keen on improving the quality of your candidates while also reducing the hours you spend in vetting applicants, then you must surely be interested in pre-employment skills testing. To get the desired results, it is important to utilise skills testing software system that integrates smoothly with your recruitment CRM systems software.
The integration is important because a recruitment database software is used daily for work. Now start employee skills testing to measure candidate proficiency.
Benefits of assessing candidates
Skills testing has many advantages to offer. Recruiters can save many hours of their time – the time that they spend parsing CVs and interviewing applicants whose resumes seem even remotely suitable. But assessing candidates’ skills at the initial stage of the hiring process ensures that only the best candidates get to the final stages.
With candidate skills testing software, recruiters will be able to –
- Sift through applicant CVs quickly
- Check for skills embellishment
- Filter quality applications
- Simplify mass hiring
- Understand candidate strengths and potential
Recruiters are often overwhelmed by the number of applicants that a single job vacancy can receive. They not only have to read hundreds of CVs and examine cover letters, but they also must be quick about the task. Why? Because recruitment is a tough, competitive field. Talented job seekers do not remain without choice for long. Once they are ready to move on from where they are and seek to take up job hunting actively, they will easily find themselves quickly swamped with some great prospects. Now the challenge for recruiters is to engage the best candidate for themselves before their rivals do.
A robust employee skills testing software system is easy to use. It is quite simple and very functional. All recruiters must do is pick the appropriate skills test. Then they can send the chosen assessment to their candidate via email.
The skills test library can host a variety of assessments ranging from popular ones such as literacy skills tests to numeracy and MS Office skills tests. These are suitable for a wide array of office-based and admin roles.
Many recruitment agencies might need more industry-specific candidate skills assessments due to the variety of roles they fill. These assessments include driving skills tests which were very useful in the UK for filling large scale driver roles in 2021. Other sector-specific tests include accounting skills tests and data entry skills tests.
For recruiters and employers who want to evaluate an applicant’s ability to fit into the company culture, there is psychometric skills testing which measures everything from collaboration and communication styles to leadership ability to aptitude for problem-solving, etc. This test is designed to measure how well an individual’s interpersonal skills match with the company’s existing culture and values.
Online skills testing software and how it benefits recruiters, candidates and employers
Online skills testing makes the entire pre-employment skills assessment process easier and quicker. It is skills assessment at its most efficient and effective because it takes only a few minutes for the recruiter to select an appropriate test and send it to the candidate or group of candidates.
The test results will arrive promptly at the recruiter’s email once they are completed. Backing their choice of candidates with the test results provides them with a competitive edge when it comes to their rivals.
As for candidates, an online skills assessment procedure is very convenient for them, too. They will need access to the internet and a computer device. There is usually a sample test at the beginning to help familiarise them with the assessment format. Then they can proceed to take the test from anywhere and anytime that is suitable for them.
Employers on receiving the skills test results can be assured that they have a better understanding of the calibre of their candidates than they would if they only had to rely on CVs and interviews. All the assessments have standard questions designed to evaluate the candidates fairly. Eliminating any kind of bias helps client companies get the best candidate for the role, based purely on the candidate’s ability to do the job and flourish in the company.