If you run a business, you understand the importance of accepting credit or debit cards as customers increasingly opt to pay with them. No matter if your store is online or physical, accepting credit cards is key for maintaining success.
However, small businesses may struggle to comprehend how credit card processing works and what steps are necessary to get started. This article will guide you through the steps necessary for processing credit cards at your store.
Accepting Credit Cards
Credit cards are a widely-used payment option, so it’s essential for your business to accept them. Doing so will enable you to boost sales and stay ahead of other businesses that don’t take credit cards.
Customers trust credit card brands like Visa and Mastercard, so offering this payment option will boost customer confidence in your store. Plus, many consumers are moving towards cashless purchases – another reason to offer credit cards!
You must also factor in the fees that accompany accepting credit card payments. These include an interchange rate, transaction fee and percentage of sale that goes to your payment processor or card company.
Getting Started
Accepting credit cards is essential for any small store or eCommerce business, whether you have a physical location or not. But processing these payments may seem straightforward enough on the surface; there’s much more complexity behind the scenes that meets customers’ needs. If you want high risk payment processor Best Merchant Services is here to help you.
To accept card payments, your business requires either a merchant account or payment service provider (PSP). There are multiple options for setting up such an account, each with its own advantages and drawbacks.
Your choice of credit card network may also have an effect on your decision. Networks such as Visa and Mastercard offer lower rates for certain kinds of transactions, while others may be more costly.
Credit card processing is a complex series of steps that involve multiple parties, each playing their part in making the transaction possible. These include the card-issuing bank, your customer’s bank and various smaller exchanges that help bring it all together.
If you want to accept credit cards at your store, special equipment is necessary. This could include a traditional countertop credit card terminal or point of sale (POS) system, mobile card readers that work with smartphones and other hardware for handling online sales or on-the-go payments.
Additionally, you’ll require a payment gateway to facilitate online payments and virtual terminal to accept phone or mail orders. Some systems also provide tools for invoicing and inventory management which can help your business expand and earn more money.
Credit card processing fees vary based on the type of transactions you conduct and which credit card network handles them. They’re usually broken down into two components: an interchange rate charged by Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express; and a markup fee charged by your payment service provider (PSP).
Credit card processing involves a series of steps to transfer funds from a customer’s bank account to the store. This involves authorization, authentication, clearing and settlement.
The initial step is to establish a merchant account and secure either a credit card terminal or point-of-sale system to process payments in your store. After that, your merchant service provider or payment service provider (PSP) will collaborate with the credit card issuing bank to guarantee that each transaction has been completed properly and successfully.
Once all your security measures are in place, ensure they are being adhered to by your employees. If any of your team members are not abiding by security policies, retrain them or issue written reminders in order to enforce those guidelines.