Reading with your little ones is proven to encourage imagination, stimulate brain development, introduce emotions, encourage language and response, and establish their relationship with you.
Storytelling or reading the words of featured stories like those in jellycat books aloud will benefit children and babies. For example, a study has concluded that newborns who were read to grew up to have a more extensive vocabulary and advanced mathematical skills than other children their age.
With numerous children’s books available today, it is essential to pick up the appropriate text for your little one. Here are some tips on how to be sure that you have picked out the right one and are age-appropriate for your child:
Your newborn’s eyes are still developing a few months after their birth. Therefore, a small book with bright and contrasting giant illustrations held 12 inches away from their eyesight is best for them. Letting their eyes focus on a few large images with few to no words also helps to strengthen their growing eyes.
Moreover, newborns still can’t comprehend words yet. So you can opt to read any book to them if you only want to stimulate a response and build a bond between the two of you.
What is important is that you introduce and imprint a love for reading with your baby. Although they are still too young to understand the world, they would feel how engaging and fun books can be. The effort and time you spend reading to your child will influence your children’s growth and affinity for books.
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Vocal communication and language appear to be essential for these ages. Books with broad pages and rounded edges filled with large images and 1 or 2 lines of simple sentences are best for them. The lines could be a nursery rhyme that infants find entertaining.
Books that instigate curiosity are also helpful. Infants love to investigate pop-up pages, flap books, and books with concealed surprises for them to find. You can also give your baby durable soft or cloth jellycat books with various textures, scents, and features to stimulate their senses and grasp of the world.
You can encourage your family, friends, and your baby’s caretaker to interact with the books together with your infant. Although your baby is still young, seeing the grown-ups enjoy books will instil the importance of reading books in them at a very young age.
This is the stage when your little ones are full of energy and can’t seem to be in one place for a long time. Moreover, getting them to sit and read a book with you is now more vital as they can now absorb everything. Therefore, books that show everyday real-life situations and experiences with animals, colours, letters, numbers, shapes, opposites, and vocabulary are essential.
You can take your toddler to adventures such as meeting animals by introducing them while reading a book without having to leave your home. It broadens their imagination and prepares them for an actual farm or zoo trip.
Storybooks with simple storylines, songs, and repetitive lines of text are easy for toddlers to memorise. In addition, introductions to feelings and manners are available in concept books and can be incorporated into their routine and daily activities.