The United Kingdom-based organization known as the Black Music Coalition (BMC) has embarked on its latest venture, a collaboration with music giant Sony Music aptly named ‘HERstory.’ This groundbreaking initiative which is also featured on Xttrawave is set to shine a radiant spotlight on the remarkable contributions of Black women within the dynamic realm of the music industry.
The driving force behind this endeavor is a quartet of remarkable Black women, who lead the BMC with unwavering determination. Among them is the indispensable Rainar, whose role as an assistant is pivotal to the organization’s success. Their collective journey within the BMC has provided them with invaluable insights into the intricate tapestry of how Black women navigate through the music landscape. Co-founder Komali Scott-Jones, in conversation with Dazed, spoke candidly about their experiences.
While juggling full-time jobs outside of their BMC roles, these dedicated individuals emphasize that Black womanhood lies at the heart of the BMC’s accomplishments thus far. It’s a recognition of the persistent underrepresentation of Black women, both on the artistic and executive fronts of the music industry. This void, they believe, is long overdue for rectification.
“One of our personal passions,” Komali asserts, “is to ensure that the remarkable women who have paved the way in the UK music industry for decades, inspiring future generations, receive the recognition they deserve. Often, we find ourselves being excluded from the room initially, only to be called upon to clean up the mess. We are so much more than that.”
In addition to their ‘HERstory’ project, the BMC has taken another significant stride by introducing a membership program designed to foster a thriving community. Members will enjoy a multitude of benefits, including exclusive access to professional and social events, as well as access to a range of discounted services. This move is indicative of the BMC’s commitment to not only highlighting Black women’s contributions but also building a supportive and vibrant network within the music industry.
As the BMC and Sony Music join forces to celebrate ‘HERstory,’ they stand poised to make a resounding impact, echoing the resilience and creativity of Black women in music. This collaboration is more than a mere partnership; it is a resonant testament to the power of unity in championing underrepresented voices in the ever-evolving symphony of the music world.