Among the most difficult things in life (and recovery) is staying clear of relapse. If you or a loved one has actually experienced a relapse after finishing treatment, don’t despair. There is hope. Relapse is a natural part of the recovery process which does not indicate you’ve actually failed, merely that your treatment plan must be evaluated and enhanced. So, if you or a loved one has actually experienced a relapse, it’s necessary to learn ways to prevent relapse from taking place in the future. Here are a few tips that’ll help.
1: Get Rid Of “Toxic” Friends and Relatives
Individuals that you spend a lot of time with (family members or friends) have the greatest chance of triggering a relapse. If you’ve actually gotten rid of these individuals because of your drug use already, it’s simply smart to keep them out of your life. They’re not supporting your recovery and can potentially worsen any type of predisposition to relapse that they might trigger in you.
2: Seek The Help Of A Support Group
Another option to prevent relapse is by seeking the assistance of a support group. Since it’s sometimes your buddies and family members that cause relapse, having the help of people in a similar position as you can be helpful. You can share feelings and ideas while also identifying triggers before they develop into something bigger. If you’re unsure of exactly what support groups are offered in your area, inquire at your treatment center or browse the web for “rehabilitation support group” to see some options. You can also click here to find out more about holistic detox treatments.
3: Enhance Your Motivation
One of the best ways to prevent relapse is to improve your inspiration. If you are not motivated, it’s much easier to give in to pressure from individuals around you or even resort to drug usage yourself. Having a goal can be an extraordinary method to enhance your inspiration, especially if the objective is short-term. Short-term goals are more achievable, which will help improve your inspiration to continue on with recovery.
4: Be Prepared for Relapse
It’s also important to be prepared for the possibility of relapse. The more you anticipate a relapse, the better you will be at preventing it if it does take place. This consists of keeping your rehab center in the loop about what’s taking place in your life and establishing ways to deal with potential stress that might cause relapse at some point.
5: Keep The Mind Engaged
If you’re not occupied, it’s easier to get in a bad state of mind. Part of staying clear of relapse is keeping your mind engrossed with activities that are productive. Look into hobbies that provide mental stimulation, or even looking for part-time work can help keep the mind active and will also help overcome negative feelings that might cause relapse.
6: Don’t Beat Yourself Up
If you do relapse, don’t beat yourself up about it too much. Regret will only add to the probability of a future relapse, which is why it’s important to learn from your mistakes and look for methods to prevent relapse in the future.
The best way to stay clear of relapse is by learning healthy coping skills that’ll help you avoid drugs under any type of stress. If you or a loved one is dealing with a relapse after rehab, take into consideration finding assistance from reliable and reputable rehabilitation professionals who can help identify the best recovery program to suit your needs.