The kimberley process Certification Scheme was established in 2003 in order to prevent conflict diamonds from entering the mainstream rough diamond market. This was a result of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/56. It was designed to ensure that conflict diamonds are not produced and traded in ways that contribute to armed conflict.
59 participants
The Kimberley Process is an international initiative aimed at preventing the financing of armed conflict and increasing the transparency of the diamond industry. It is an open, consensus-based, and tripartite governance structure that brings together industry, civil society, and government officials.
It is a global initiative that was launched in 2000 by southern African diamond-producing nations. Among other things, the Process aims to prevent the trade in rough diamonds that are used in the financing of armed conflict.
Although the Kimberley Process is an effective tool for ensuring that rough diamonds are not being exported to regions where they could be used to fuel armed conflict, the process is still challenged. However, the process has made significant progress in combating this issue and remains an important vehicle for preventing the outbreak of future conflicts.
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was launched in Kimberly, South Africa in 2000, and is a vital part of the diamond industry’s efforts to ensure that rough diamonds are not being traded to support armed conflict. This certification scheme is designed to protect the legitimate diamond trade while also fostering job creation in countries that are members of the process.
The process is a model of collaboration between governments, the diamond industry, and the United Nations. Each member state of the Kimberley Process plays a key role in overseeing the multi-billion dollar global diamond trade.
Conflict-free diamonds
The Kimberley Process is a governmental certification scheme designed to stop the trade of rough diamonds that fund rebel groups. It has been successful in reducing the amount of conflict diamonds in the market. However, it is not without controversy.
The World lab grown diamonds Council estimates that as much as one percent of the world’s diamond production is used to finance rebel groups. The Kimberley Process aims to stop this trade by requiring member nations to certify rough diamonds are free of blood diamonds.
In order to qualify for membership, a country must establish its own legislation and import/export controls. Only 82 countries have officially adopted the Kimberley Process.
The majority of jewelers are adamant about sourcing their diamonds ethically. Many retailers provide a list of the origins of their gems.
A number of third party organisations are also tasked with overseeing issues such as unsafe working conditions, child labor and fair pay. They can also request the support of governments.
Although the Kimberley Process has done a good job of limiting the supply of diamonds to war zones, there are still a few loopholes. One major flaw is the lack of a track and trace system.
Another flaw is that the process does not address human rights issues. Representatives of the Kimberley Process have denied knowledge of the killings and tortures seen in a BBC radio documentary.
Compliance with the Kimberley Process
The Kimberley Process is a UN-led, multi-stakeholder initiative to fight the trade in conflict diamonds. It aims to ensure that all rough diamonds are bought and sold from legitimate sources.
According to the Kimberley Process, all rough diamonds should be independently checked. This includes all diamonds that are transported from one country to another.
The Kimberley Process is a voluntary global initiative that brings together more than 55 participating countries. It is overseen by the United Nations and has been in effect since 2003. Despite the fact that it is a voluntary scheme, all participants are closely monitored.
In addition to the regular exchange of information, the Kimberley Process also organizes on-site inspections. These inspections are meant to prevent the illicit diamond trade from entering the mainstream diamond market.
While the process is effective in reducing rebel group supplies, it has failed to effectively monitor the diamond trade. As a result, a number of companies continue to buy and sell diamonds that were illegally mined in war zones.
An important study was recently published to examine the effectiveness of the Kimberley Process. It looks at how the industry and its members have fared after the adoption of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
The report suggests that there is still a long way to go before the industry and its members have properly implemented the certification scheme. It also highlights some of the failings of the Kimberley Process.