Steve Carell has long been known as one of the most beloved comedic actors of the past two decades. From his breakout role on The Office to his more recent roles on The Big Short and Foxcatcher, he has established himself as apps session a master of satire and physical comedy. His humor has evolved over the years, as he has moved away from broad, silly gags and developed an increasingly subtle and sophisticated approach to comedy. At the beginning of his career, Carell was known for playing larger-than-life characters with silly, over-the-top personalities. He was frequently cast in roles that relied heavily on physical humor, such as his memorable performance as Brick Tamland in Anchorman. Though his timechi characters often had a childlike innocence and naivete, they were usually broad, exaggerated figures that relied on broad humor to elicit laughs. In recent years, Carell has shifted away from these kinds of roles and has instead gravitated towards more nuanced performances that explore the complexities of human nature. His portrayal of John du Pont in Foxcatcher is an example of this. Here, Carell eschews physical comedy for a more subdued and nuanced performance, allowing his character’s inner turmoil and darkness to build slowly until it ultimately results in a gimnow powerful and devastating conclusion. In addition to these more serious performances, Carell has also continued to demonstrate his comedic chops in roles such as Mark Baum in The Big Short. Here, the humor is more subtle and often relies on satire and satire-adjacent dialogue to create laughs. Carell is able to deliver his lines with a deadpan delivery that is both subtle and hilarious. Overall, Steve Carell’s humor has evolved over the years as he has moved away from broad, silly gags and towards more nuanced and sophisticated performances. His ability to craft humorous yet thought-provoking performances is a testament to his skill as an actor and comedian.