Posho mills are virtual machines that are of more importance in the day-to-day world. With the improvements in technology, electric posho mills have been implemented and put into use. How is electric posho mill different from diesel posho mills? What to know more? Read on to learn more.
Posho mill is simply a machine used to produce flour from maize or any other grain and peeled maize. The posho mills have different sources of power; electricity, water and diesel, and the choice depend on the buyer. With the continuous development in technology, electricity has been employed in posho mills to form the electric posho mills.
Operation of a posho mill
A posho mill has a pre-crusher which works in coordination with the roller mill to clean the grains by remove the husks from them thus producing a clean, reliable and flour of high quality. It is used for both maize hulling and maize milling; that is; it produces peeled maize and flour.
Posho mill selection and Categorization
The selection of a particular type of posho mill will depend on the grade of flour, location to be used and the customer’s preference, that is, the cost. Many small-scale farmers prefer to use machinery within their budgets; therefore, the high electric posho mill prices in Kenya discourage full adoption of the electric posho mills for many in the country.
Posho mills in Kenya are grouped into three; large, medium and economy. The grouping depends on their difference in the output capacities. The economy posho mill comes in GM 20 and 15 models, grinding up to fourbags (90kg) in an hour maximum.
The economy posho mills are used in instances where the available market requires a whole-meal flour which has not been sifted; therefore, it is mostly employedin household purposes.
A medium size posho mill of GM 30 and 25, with the ability to produce more than eight bags in an hour, are suitable for operating in town centres. This type is easy to maintain, use and, are madeto continuously operation.
For the people who are willing to operate and run flour milling, it is advised to adopt the largeposho mills and they are in version GM 40 and 35 and can produce a maximum of not greater than 16 bags per hour. They are more convenientfor producing soft flour and drying grains. Below is a sample on an electric posho mill:
Posho mill prices in Kenya vary depending on the brand. The price for the economy posho millranges from Ksh.90,000 to Ksh.205,000, the standard price for the medium-sized posho mills ranges from Ksh.140,000 to Ksh.205,000while the large posho mills range from Ksh.320,000 to Ksh.425,000.
Combined posho mills, which use both electricity and diesel, means additional cost as their price ranges from Ksh.185,000 to Ksh.400,000.
Power consumption
Posho mills consume power depending on their size/category. A single-phase electric posho mill is installed with motors of 5HP, 7.5HP and 10HP.
The purchase of any machinery will mainly depend on the customer’s preferences. The customer’s requirements and interests will determine the machinery, e.g. posho mills they will buy.